Liebster Award

I am very thankful to Aishwarya of My Kitchen Moments for nominating me for Liebster Award. As all of you are well aware, this award means a lot to any blogger. I am truly honored and very grateful! If you haven’t already, please check out her blog; I’m sure you’ll love it. I always look forward to all her delicious and mouthwatering dishes!


For those wondering what “Liebster Award” is… Generated in Germany, this award is a beautiful way of recognizing lesser known blogs. And “Liebster” means, “dearest, beloved, sweetest, nicest, valued” etc.

The rules are simple and as follows:

  1. Thank and link back the person who presented the award to you.
  2. Have the award on your post.
  3. Answer the questions that has been asked.
  4. Award the same to up to ten other upcoming blogs.

Here are my answers :

1. Show us something you like around you or outside your place.

There are quite a lot of things that brighten my heart. Some of them are: my Arabian Jasmine Plant, Jalapeño Plant (and the cute lil’ budding Jalapeños), Palm Plants in my drawing-room, Sun-set from my balcony, etc. I’m more than delighted to share some pictures with you all 🙂

My Arabian Jasmine Babies
My Arabian Jasmine Babies

My cute lil' Jalapeños!
My cute lil’ Jalapeños!
This is where I read all my books 🙂
Setting Sun from my balcony!
Setting Sun from my balcony!

2. Tell us something about your favourite book(s) or authors. And I’d be very pleased if you talk about your favourite fantasy if you have that taste.

Some of my favourite authors are: Nicholas Sparks, George R.R. Martin, Paulo Coelho,  J.R.R. Tolkien, Stephen King, Agatha Christie, Sidney Sheldon,Douglas Adams.

And favourite books are: GOT series, The Hobbit, LOTR series, The Notebook.

3. I also like creative people. Show us how you are creative!

I love drawing and whenever I get free time I love doing perspective and texture sketches.

Following are some of my sketches:

Basic Objects with Texture
Basic Objects with Texture and Lighting
Fruits scattered on a surface with Light Source at the top RHS

My nominations are:

  1. Caged No More
  2. The Resurgent Bookworm
  3. Kinazilla
  4. Violet’s Vegan e-Comics
  5. The Year(s) of Living Non-Judgmentally 
  6. 300 Stories
  7. Clowie’s Corner
  8. Movies Of The Soul

I’ll add more as I come across more blogs.

17 thoughts on “Liebster Award

  1. You will get along well with my mom 🙂 She too has tons of potted plants and is very fond of gardening. Even now she has gone shopping for new pots 😀
    Thanks for the nomination ! I’ll be sure to check out all your other nominees ! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations on you award!
    The photographs of the Jasmine are beautiful, as are your sketches. And I love your reading place!
    Thank you for passing this on to me.

    Liked by 1 person

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